Weather Station Status
This page shows the current status of the weather software used in the operation of this website.
Station system up for 3 days 19 hours
This website uses CumulusMX (3.25.2-b3245) for weather conditions reporting.
It was last started 3 days 19 hours.
Weather station: Davis Vantage Pro2
Total number of data packets received: 20969
Number of missed data packets: 78
Number of times the console resynchronised with the transmitter: 0
Longest streak of consecutive packets received: 1404
Number of packets received with CRC errors: 55
The console firmware version: 3.88
The console battery condition in volts: 4.76 Volts
The transmitter battery condition: 1-ok 2-ok 3-ok 4-ok 5-ok 6-ok 7-ok 8-ok
Component | Status | Age h:m:s |
Latest update time as of 16/02/2025 15:14 |
CumulusMX realtime | Current | 0:00:09 | 16/02/2025 15:13 |
CumulusMX FTP | NOT Current | 0:14:05 | > 0:05:15 16/02/2025 15:00 |
CumulusMX weather data | Current | -48867959:-45:-53 | 17/12/7599 15:00 |
CumulusMX NOAA report | Current | 15:14:07 | 16/02/2025 00:00 |
WXSIM forecast | Current | 3:14:07 | 16/02/2025 12:00 |