Wind Seasonal Summary (mph)

Note: Data is updated after midnight each day.
Northern Hemisphere Meterological Seasons
Winter: December, January, February
Spring: March, April, May
Summer: June, July, August
Fall: September, October, November

 Daily DetailMonthly SummarySeasonal Summary 
Maximum Wind Speed (mph)
Dec 2023 / Nov 2024323024*31*32*
Dec 2022 / Nov 2023------21*2525*
Max32 30 24 31 32
Average Maximum Wind Speed (mph)
Dec 2023 / Nov 202415  15  13* 1 more than the Summer average.13* 2 more than the Fall average.14*1 more than the yearly average.
Dec 2022 / Nov 2023------11* 1 less than the Summer average.10 1 less than the Fall average.10*2 less than the yearly average.
Avg15 15 12 11 13
Average Wind Speed (mph)
Dec 2023 / Nov 20242  2  2* 1 more than the Summer average.2* 1 more than the Fall average.2*1 more than the yearly average.
Dec 2022 / Nov 2023------0* 1 less than the Summer average.0  0*1 less than the yearly average.
Avg2 2 1 1 1
* denotes incomplete data for the month/year.

Beaufort number Description Wind speed
mph km/h kts m/s
0Calm< 1< 1< 1< 0.3
1Light air1 – 31.1 – 5.51 – 20.3 – 1.5
2Light breeze4 – 7 5.6 – 113 – 61.6 – 3.4
3Gentle breeze8 – 1212 – 197 – 103.4 – 5.4
4Moderate breeze 13 – 1720 – 2811 – 155.5 – 7.9
5Fresh breeze 18 – 2429 – 3816 – 208.0 – 10.7
6Strong breeze25 – 3039 – 4921 – 2610.8 – 13.8
7High wind, Moderate gale, Near gale31 – 3850 – 6127 – 3313.9 – 17.1
8Gale, Fresh gale39 – 4662 – 7434 – 4017.2 – 20.7
9Strong gale47 – 5475 – 8841 – 4720.8 – 24.4
10Storm, Whole gale55 – 6389 – 10248 – 5524.5 – 28.4
11Violent storm64 – 72103 - 10756 – 6328.5 – 32.6
12Hurricane force > 73> 118> 64> 32.7

Script Developed by Murry Conarroe of Wildwood Weather.